-, r-, reply- Articles, what are they? Case Studies of Reproducibility and Benchmarking in Robotic Research

Fabio Bonsignorio, University of Zagreb FER and Heron Robots

Enrica Zereik, CNR-INM

Angela Faragasso, Finger Vision Inc.

Enric Cervera Mateu, Universitat Jaume I

Venkat Krovi, Michelin Endowed Chair Professor of Vehicle Automation

Rahul Mangharam, University of Pennsylvania

Tomoyuki Yamamoto, ROBOCIP

Signe Redfield, Naval Research Lab

Angel P. del Pobil, Universitat Jaume I

This workshop is an initiative planned and executed by the the IEEE-RAS Technical Committee for Performance Evaluation & Benchmarking of Robotic and Automation Systems (TC Pebras).